
The latest news and information from Abba Fathers House

biogas digester for abba fathers house

Urgent Need for Funding a Biogas Digester

We are looking to raise funds to build a biogas digester on the land at Abba Father's House. 

With the success of the cow project which started last year, the home is now producing milk both for home consumption and for sales, and also empowering children with farming and business skills. But with that success comes other issues - the dung from the cows and the pigs is becoming a health hazard. The dung is attracting flies and mosquitos which carry health hazards.

In the past 3 months we have experienced an outbreak of malaria at the home due to lots of mosquitos and flies being attracted by the dung and some of our children have been so unwell to the point of being hospitalised with acute Malaria.

a child at hospital
One of our children being treated at hospital for Malaria

We can overcome the health issues of the dung and in doing so we can also save money on gas for cooking and heating. We urgently need to raise £1,500 to help us construct a biogas digester to stop the rapid increase in mosquitos and flies.  The construction of the digester will benefit us with production of biogas for cooking and cut down on cooking fuel, both gas and wood.

With the availability of funds, the underground digester can be constructed within just one month.

This project continues to build AFH into a season of sustainability, micro projects of chickens, turkeys, rabbits and cows. As these projects become more fruitful, the benefits of this projects success, lead us to the ability to create biogas.

We want as soon as possible to install a biogas digester, this project will in total be about £1500, we have raised £500, and are able to match the funding for the next £500 which we would like to raise in the next ten days, are you able to help us?

BioGas Production


56 % Funded


About the project

We now have enough dung from our cows and pigs to produce reasonable amounts of biogas but this can only be done by funding being available. We are looking to raise an additional £1000 which means we will have enough capital to create a biogas system.

Initially we would do this by setting a goal of £500 and matching the donations but honestly the response from our supporters has been amazing. We feel led to stretch the goal we set and that will enable us to use the matching amount for our other projects.

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Thank you very much.

Juliet and the AFH Trustees





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AFH in the UK

Virginia Lodge
Waspe Farm Car Park
Heritage Court
Off Station Rd
TW20 9LF

Tel: 01784 637010

Registered Charity 1209857

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Abba Father’s House
Po Box 900159

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