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Damage to Brickwork

Damage to Brickwork

Rain, rain, go away, come again another day!

That is part of a nursery rhyme that we would sing as children in England. When you wanted to go out to play and it was raining we would sing that in the hope of the rain going away. In the UK now we have had a long period of rain which is eating into what we hoped would be a sunny and warm summer. Almost as though the UK is developing a rainy season.
What we have seen in the UK has been experienced much more harshly in eastern and central Africa. In Kenya hundreds of people have lost their lives due to prolonged rainfall causing major flooding. 

Nairobi, Kenya floods: Dozens killed as weeks of heavy rain devastate region | CNN
Although not as bad as Kenya, Uganda has seen a period of prolonged rain in addition to the rainy seasons which has and is causing problems in Uganda.
At Abba Father's House we have not been immune to the effects of the rain. Our Phase 2 building has had some damage caused by the rain in conjunction with some guttering that was not up to the job. Also the local bricks that are used in Uganda do not have the same longevity as what we expect from bricks made in the UK as they are made from different local materials. Together this has led to damage and deterioration to the external brickwork of the building. Although the guttering has been fixed the damage still remains and is likely to get worse as we see more rainfall over the coming years.

To alleviate this we plan to apply a render to the external brickwork to provide additional protection. To this end we prayerfully look to our supporters of Abba Father's House to assist us with the repairs.

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AFH in the UK

Virginia Lodge
Waspe Farm Car Park
Heritage Court
Off Station Rd
TW20 9LF

Tel: 01784 637010

Registered Charity 1209857

AFH in Uganda

Abba Father’s House
Po Box 900159

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