
The latest news and information from Abba Fathers House

kids sitting on the grass at abba fathers house

AFH News May 2024

Dear friends, partner’s and well-wishers, greetings to you, here are the latest updates from Abba Father's House for May 2024.

As we journey through our labour of love for the orphans we support in Jinja Uganda, we thank you for joining us in shaping the future for Abba Father’s House where you have been sharing your resources with us in order to empower us to meet the vulnerable children’s day to day needs to feed, educate, cloth and give hope which they wouldn’t have had whatsoever. Together we are overcoming the challenges and making a tangible difference to our beneficiaries.

children sitting on grass
Extra classes in the shade

The cow project is going well, the home now produces milk enough for the home use and for us to sell to provide additional revenue. With the good news came challenge of a number of children falling sick and being admitted to hospital for Malaria caused by increase of mosquitos which coming from cow and pig’s dung. To overcome this we thought of a way to get an effective and resourceful way to utilize the dung hence we have been raising funds to enable us to construct a biogas digester to produce bio gas which will generate gas for cooking and that way we will save resources spent on firewood and charcoal. The biogas digester is expected to the complete in 3 weeks time. You can read the latest news here - Work in Progress on the Biogas Digester.

Our mushroom project is also flourishing with the children playing their part!

children examining the mushrooms
Children checking the mushrooms

In the beginning of the year, the children were blessed to attend a children’s retreat for a week where they met with other children and they had much fun and learnt new things.

children together
kids being kids when they see a camera!

This May, the children have started their first term holidays, although some of the children in the final years of their level of education are required to study during the holidays. The staff and the local committee are working on engaging children with skill learning from the projects running at the home such as growing mushrooms, piggery, turkeys, cows and gardening and also taking some time for fun games etc.

The children will be on holidays for a short period and they are due back in 3 weeks’ time. So, the need to raise school fees and requirements again is also upon us. We are looking to raise £1,700 to cover school fees, school meals, books etc and we’re asking for your help to raise the funds required.

School Fees


94 % Funded

Days left

About the project

Dear Partners and friends, It’s that time again when the holiday season comes to an end and we have to start all over again. We need to raise £1,600 to cover school fees and requirements this year. Please stand with us to help raise the so much needed funds. Please note that we also have added an additional £600 to cover uniforms and shoes, which makes the new goal £2200.

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Thank you for your valued support.

Juliet and the team at Abba Father's House

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AFH in the UK

Virginia Lodge
Waspe Farm Car Park
Heritage Court
Off Station Rd
TW20 9LF

Tel: 01784 637010

Registered Charity 1209857

AFH in Uganda

Abba Father’s House
Po Box 900159

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